Est. 2009
It all started in my garage like most great ideas did at 2am drunk. One particular time I had a mannequin and I decided to make her into the famous SALLYBONG - I put it through all the test trails at parties and had everyone falling on there knees - literally [@sallybong69]. Sallybong became the new way of shotgunning a beer and replaced keg standing. I really started feeling bad that so many didn't know sallybong. Everyone needs to experience the way she brings the party together - in ways that nothing else can compare. So I got with my brother and started getting her off the ground with a website and USPPS No.61/702,059. We hit the ground running. Over 10 years later and still making the world a better place one SALLYBONG at a time - it truly is humbles me to see all the happy consumers drunk at 2am creating memories. Keep tagging us and remember if you’re not wasted, the day is.